Bot for Telegram WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce makes it easy to bring your store online but you will have to promote your website aggressively to grow…

Petopia Pet Care WordPress Theme

Millions of people around the world take care of one or multiple pets. They are constantly looking for products for…

AI Content Generator For Elementor Plugin

 Here is another plugin that relies on OpenAI's ChatGPT technology to generate content for your website. AI Content Generator…

ANN: Artificial Intelligence WordPress Theme

We hear about ChatGPT, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and other AI tools all the time. New ones are announced every day…

Booklovers WordPress Theme for Publishing House

Every serious business needs a respectable online presence these days. That applies to bookstores and publishing houses. Booklovers is an…

4 Handy To Do List WordPress Plugins

Plenty of successful people rely on to-do lists and other productivity tools to get more done every day. You don't…

EasyEat: WordPress Elementor Theme for Food Trucks & Street Food Businesses

Every business, large or small, needs to have a respectable online presence these days. Your audience expect to be able…

DiffCheck for WordPress Lets You Compare Text Files

Have you ever had to compare two text files to see how they are different? If they are drastically different,…

Demia: WordPress Theme for Plant Stores

Here is a gorgeous WordPress theme for those of you passionate about growing your plants focused business. Demia is a…

Product Price History for WooCommerce

We all want to save on things we would like to buy. Stores that offer price history make it easier…