PetClinic WordPress Theme for Vets

Everybody has a website these days. As a business, you can't afford to have an ugly site no matter which…

2 WordPress Plugins for Domainers

Buying and selling domains can be a lucrative business. Many folks have made a good fortune in this business, especially…

Requiring Featured Images for Each Post: 3 WordPress Plugins

Many webmasters start their website without a long-term plan for the future. That could always come back to bite them…

3 WordPress Themes for Tools & Hardware Stores

All businesses need to have a respectable website these days. You are going to have a hard time taking advantage…

3 Rich Pin Plugins for WordPress

Pinterest remains one of the most popular social networking sites around. Millions of people are contributing to the site on…

15 Super Drag & Drop WordPress Themes

WordPress themes have gotten more sophisticated over the years. Nowadays, most top themes have sophisticated theme options panel, support 3rd-party…

6 RSS Feed Readers for WordPress

Google Reader died months ago, but RSS as a technology is not completely dead. In fact, there are many apps…

5 Themes for Learning Institutions

Educational institutions and colleges need to have a professional online presence these days. How else can they leave a good…

JE Job Alert for JobEngine Theme: Job Notifications

JobEngine happens to be one of the best job board themes around. It is highly customizable and looks quite decent.…

How to Sync User Accounts Across Multiple WordPress Sites

Have you ever needed to maintain two different WordPress installs for your business with the same users? You certainly don't…