PlusOne: Start a Social Network with WordPress

Duplicating what businesses such as Facebook and Digg have done is not an easy task. Those sites did not get…

Make WordPress Kindle Friendly with Kindle This

Amazon Kindle is one of the best e-book readers around, at least at the time of this writing. It takes…

Coral Theme: Killer Portfolio Theme for WordPress

All artists need to have an online presence to promote their top work through. It does not matter if you…

65 Superb WordPress Themes for Entrepreneurs

There was a time when starting a business used to require huge upfront investments. That kept many people from following…

Download Manager: Handle File Downloads On WordPress

Many bloggers and portal owners offer their visitors downloadables from time to time. Offering your visitors free e-books, icon-sets, and…

Hosting Pro: Web Hosting Theme for WordPress

The hosting business is not exactly the most open industry around. There are just so many quality web hosts around.…

Start an Event Directory with Event Theme for WordPress

Whether you live in a very large city or a fairly small town, there is a good chance there are…

Social Footer Plugin for WordPress

Social toolbars such as Wibiya have become quite popular these days. They allow webmasters to add all kinds of services…

6 Attractive WordPress Themes for Politics

The silly season of politics is almost upon us (if not already here). Let's face it. People start running and…

Manage WordPress Comments with One Click Close Comments Plugin

I don't know about you but my old posts still get a lot of attention. Unfortunately, some of that attention…