How To Add a Foursquare Map To WordPress

Foursquare is one of the most exciting local social networks around. It has turned exploring cities into a game and…

Start a Social Voting Site with Nominate for WordPress

There are plenty of content management systems that allow you to develop a Digg type website. A type of website…

Start a Knowledge Base with KnowPress for WordPress

Knowledge bases can be quite useful if you are interested in researching a specific topic and knowing everything one can…

10 Unique WordPress Themes That Rock

There are plenty of high quality, premium WordPress themes that one can pick up to do all kinds of things…

Start a Twitter-Like Blog with Conversate for WordPress

Twitter is one of the hottest sites on the Internet these days. Millions of people from around the world come…

Top 15 Calendar Plugins for WordPress

Are you looking for a decent WordPress calendar plugin to replace the default calendar in WordPress? Maybe you have an…

Promote Old WordPress Posts with OldPostSpinner

There are plenty of bloggers out there who write new posts everyday. You can do that regardless of the niche…

10 Ways To Start a Job Site with WordPress

These days there are a lot of people who are looking for jobs. If you are a blogger or a…

Hospitality Theme: WordPress Theme for Hotels

In the past, we have discussed many themes that one can use to take a business online. If you would…

WordPress Security Toolbox: 40 Best Security Plugins

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform around. It's powerful and capable of handling almost anything. Unfortunately, there are a…