WP Plugins: WordPress Plugin Store

Wordpress has a great community all around it. There are thousands of developers who write code for Wordpress, and many…

Start Video Blogging with TV Elements 3

TV Elements has been one of the best video blogging themes for a long time now. The theme which was…

How To Import Your WordPress Blog Fast

Have you ever wondered what it takes to combine two different Wordpress blogs. So why would you want to do…

Turn Your WordPress Blog Into a Forum with gForums

There is nothing you can't do with Wordpress these days. It's one of the most powerful and popular content management…

Add a Social Bar To Your WordPress Blog with Meebo

Meebo is quite popular for its chat client. The service makes it possible to add chat rooms to any blog…

4 Highly Customizable Themes for WordPress

Anyone who has played with Wordpress for a while has seen all the cool themes that are available for this…

Classifieds: Create Your Own Classified Site with WordPress

If you have been following WPJedi for a while, you have probably seen all the classified Wordpress themes that we…

5 Best Google Buzz WordPress Plugins

So you want to take advantage of Google Buzz to expand your blog and reach out to more people? Google…

iPhone App Theme: Build an iPhone Application Site with WordPress

iPhone development is one of the most exciting fields to be involved today. It's true that the market has become…

Shorten Your WordPress URLs with URL Shortener

I don't know about you but our URLs are often long and are not exactly designed to be shared on…