
Promo: WordPress Landing Page Theme for Digital Products

Those of you who sell digital products online know the importance of optimizing your product landing page for conversion. Without…

7 WordPress Themes for E-Book Marketing

Marketing books online independently is a lot easier these days. There are plenty of affordable services that let you introduce…

MyBook: Drag & Drop WordPress Theme for Writers

Writing a great e-book can be challenging and time-consuming. Once you are done writing, you will need to spend time…

Use WordPress to Sell E-books: 12 Ways

Plenty of folks have written and published their own e-books in the past few years. Services such as Kindle Direct…

Sell E-books Using WordPress: 7 Themes

Plenty of folks have had success selling their books online in the past couple of years. Amazon, B&N, and other…

10 Landing Page Themes for WordPress

Setting up a landing page in WordPress does not have to be a hassle. The testing phase that comes after…

WordPress & E-books Toolbox: 12 Tips & Tools for Self-Publishing

Many folks have used platforms such as the KDP to bring their books online. You might have to pay a…