
Save Julia: Donation & Fundraising WordPress Theme

WordPress makes it easy to build a website for your charity or nonprofit organization dedicated to a special cause. Thanks…

PeerRaiser: P2P Fundraising Plugin for WordPress

In this day and age, plenty of people are using crowdfunding websites to raise funds for their projects. Want to…

Cyber Fundraiser: Fundraising Plugin for WordPress

So you would like to raise funds for a good cause but don't want to use popular crowdfunding sites? Cyber…

14 Fundraising WordPress Themes & Plugins

There is nothing wrong with raising funds for causes that you are passionate about, so don't be shy about it.…

Olimometer: Add a Fundraising Thermometer to WordPress

Many webmasters raise money for all kinds of causes on their websites. If your site is already established and has…

15 Cool WordPress Plugins for Donations

Nonprofit businesses and charities are quite familiar with the idea of accepting donations. There is nothing wrong with asking donations…