
Colin for WordPress: Genesis Child Theme for Farms

Most farmers may not have time or see a reason to create a website for their business. But having a…

PetClinic WordPress Theme for Vets

Everybody has a website these days. As a business, you can't afford to have an ugly site no matter which…

5 Themes for Learning Institutions

Educational institutions and colleges need to have a professional online presence these days. How else can they leave a good…

SupportX: WordPress Theme for Envato Authors

Envato should not need any introduction to web designers and WordPress gurus. Plenty of folks are selling their products on…

Advocator: 100% GPL WordPress Theme for Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations may not have lots of money to spend on a custom design. But they should still have a…

How to Start a Business Directory Using WordPress: 13 Themes

Online directories have been around for quite some time. It is true that they get less attention these days, but…

8 WordPress Themes for Deal Sites

Deal and coupon sites have been around for a very long time. Getting involved in this market is not easy…