
Brisket: Responsive Genesis / Thesis Theme for Restaurants

Every business needs to have an online presence. That applies to restaurants, cafes, and other similar businesses. We have already…

Hatch Product Launch Theme for Genesis & Thesis

Bringing a killer product to the market is not something that can happen overnight. Some entrepreneurs work hard for months…

Line It Up 2 Business Theme for Genesis/Thesis

Genesis and Thesis are two popular WordPress frameworks for building blogs and other types of WordPress sites. You are going…

Patron: eCommerce Theme for Thesis & Genesis

Those of you who have been following this website for a while know that we are a big fan of…

Junction: Modern Responsive Business Theme for Thesis & Genesis

Thesis and Genesis are both great frameworks to use to build your next WordPress site. They are not that hard…

Stage 2: Genesis / Thesis Theme for Photographers

Photographers, and artists in general, need to have an online presence for their business. It could open many doors of…

5 Thesis Child Themes for News Sites

Starting a news website using WordPress is not that hard as long as you love covering the news and are…