
MotionMagic Beautiful Animations for WordPress

WordPress already makes it easy to bring your store online fast. You can use various attractive themes to give your…

WP Mermaid for WordPress: Diagramming & Charting Plugin

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool WordPress plugins here that let you add dynamic charts…

5 Must See WordPress Login Plugins

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of plugins that can stop hacking attempts against the WordPress login…

3 Must See WordPress Media Cleaners

WordPress makes it easy to run a website these days. Things are straightforward when you are just getting started. As…

3 WordPress Plugins To Mark Outdated Posts

We have all written long-form posts in the past that have lost their relevancy over the years. You can always…

Whydonate Donation Plugin for WordPress

Plenty of people raise money for good causes online. Some publishers even rely on donations to stay afloat. Whatever your…

Virtual Tour Creator for WordPress

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of WordPress plugins that can add dynamic & interactive content to…