Discount for Likes WooCommerce Plugin

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Many WordPress webmasters rely on WooCommerce to sell goods and services online. You need a good looking theme to set up an impressive shop. There are also many WooCommmerce extension that can take your shop to the next level. Want your store deals to go viral? You could offer folks a discount for Facebook likes. Discount for Likes happens to be a WooCommerce plugin that lets you offer a discount to your visitors in return for Facebook Likes.

Discount for Likes lets you decrease the price of a product if a certain number of Facebook Likes is reached. You can easily define the required number of Likes to trigger your discounts. The script allows you to leverage your community to make your store go viral on Facebook. You can customize the code for your Facebook Like button and the discount message.

Discount for Likes does not make life difficult for your customers. At the same time, it does encourage them to post your products to their Facebook page. It works for simple and variable products. This is a premium plugin.

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