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WordPress Themes

Carpress WordPress Theme for Mechanics

There are many advantages to having a professional website for your local business these days. That applies to mechanics and car repair shops. You may not get most of your leads online, but people will expect to be able to find your business online. Carpress happens to be a professional theme for mechanic workshops. It is responsive and retina ready and offers support for WooCommerce.

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Carpress has a custom admin panel to allow you to customize your site faster. In fact, you get unlimited colors and layouts to experiment with. Carpress is translated to German, Spanish, and a few other popular languages as well. Whether you want to maintain a blog or share your services with the world, this theme has you covered.


Carpress is easy to customize and has various shortcodes to make your job easier. It has a professional design and lets you sell your own products online. This premium theme is developed by an Elite Author.

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