All posts tagged "clone"
Wordpress Plugins
MultiSite Clone Duplicator for WordPress
August 19Cloning a WordPress site is not that hard but does take a bit of time. Thanks...
Clone Wordpress Themes
Discy: Social Q&A Theme for WordPress Lets You Clone Quora
October 19I don’t know about you, but Quora is one of my favorite communities. It is all...
WordPress Themes
Responsive WordPress Reverse Auction Theme
August 8Auction sites have been around for a long time. Plenty of people use sites such as...
Wordpress Plugins
Multisite Post Duplicator for WordPress
March 24In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of plugins that let you duplicate...
Plugin Lists
5 Plugins to Duplicate WordPress Posts, Pages, Menus
January 20Have you ever needed to duplicate a bunch of posts, pages, or even menus? Doing so...
Wordpress Plugins
How to Duplicate WordPress Menus
October 23I don’t know about you, but I have spent a lot of time customizing menus for...
Wordpress Plugins
Duplicate Post WordPress Plugin
August 14Have you ever had to clone a page or post multiple times manually? It is not...