All posts tagged "theme"
WordPress Themes
Read WP: Responsive Minimalist Theme for WordPress
April 29There are many fancy WordPress themes available online these days. They may come handy for some...
WordPress Themes
Dealers: Daily Deals Theme for WordPress
April 25Daily deal sites have been around even before websites such as Groupon became so popular. The...
Clone Wordpress Themes
How to Clone Popular Sites with WordPress: 31 Clone Themes
April 3We have covered plenty of awesome themes and plugins here in the past. You can create...
WordPress Themes
Directory Portal Theme for WordPress
February 24Online directories used to be very popular a few years ago. They may have lost some...
WordPress Themes
Showroom Portfolio Theme with Retina Support
February 13Whether you are a photographer, designer, painter, or an artist in general, you need to have...
WordPress Themes
Nightlife: Event Directory Theme for WordPress
February 3Online directories are not as popular as they used to be a while ago. You can...
Reverse Engineering
Find Out What Theme a WordPress Site is Using: 3 Tools
December 12Have you ever looked at a site wondering what theme is being used on it? You...