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Wordpress Plugins

Changing Post Order in WordPress: 4 Plugins

Have you ever wanted to change the order of your posts in WordPress? We have already covered a few ways you can go about doing that in the past (by Facebook likes, Google analytics stats, …). You don’t always need to write code to change the order your posts are displayed. Here are 4 plugins that make re-ordering your WordPress posts easy:

📌 MemberPress: advanced WordPress plugin for subscriptions & membership sites

post types

Post Types Order: lets you change the order of your posts and custom post types using a drag and drop interface.

posts order

My Post Order: allows you to sort posts, pages, and custom post type content in any order and display them in your sidebar.

intuitive order

Intuitive Custom Post Order: another plugin that lets you sort your posts using drag and drop. If the first plugin does not work for you, this may be worth checking out.


Q2W3 Post Order: this plugin is a descendant of the AStickyPostOrderER plugin. It is lighter and faster and offers support for custom post types.

There are a few other plugins that can sort your posts for you easily. We have had a lot of success with the above scripts though.

Do you have any plugin suggestions? Please add them below.

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