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3 Bitcoin Price Trackers for WordPress

Bitcoin has been getting a lot of coverage in the media in the past couple of years. Many folks have made or lost lots of money by getting involved in this business. Bitcoin may not be for everyone, but cybercurrencies like it are going to receive more attention from consumers in the future. Whether you accept Bitcoin payments or cover the news, you should consider adding the latest Bitcoin prices to your site. These 3 plugins can help with that:

Tip: 20 ways to drive more traffic to your site

bitcoin widtet

Bitcoin Price Ticker: displays a Bitcoin/Litecoin price ticker widget on your site. It shows numbers from various exchanges, including BTCe, HitBTC, and BitStamp.

bitcoin tools

The Bitcoin Toolbox: a PHP script that lets you show various useful Bitcoin information on your site, including balance for an address, stats, block reward, and more.


Cryptocurrency Ticker: this plugin relies on and to display prices on your site. The prices are cached to improve performance.

Many Bitcoin plugins have come and gone in the past few months. So don’t be surprised if the above scripts stop working all of a sudden. The good news is we are probably going to see many powerful Bitcoin plugins in the future.

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