All posts tagged "Wordpress"
WordPress Themes
LoveStory: WordPress Theme for Dating Sites
July 26Online dating sites are on the rise. There was a time when people felt strange about...
WordPress Themes
GamingZone: WordPress Theme for Gaming Portals
July 11Many of us love playing games. Writing about what you are passionate about is one of...
WordPress Themes
Politic: WordPress Theme for Campaigns
June 25Whether you are running for a national office or a local one, you are going to...
WordPress Themes
Follow Me: Business Card Theme for Genesis
June 21Many webmasters assume that frameworks such as Genesis or Thesis are only good for blogs. In...
Wordpress Plugins
How to Embed iPhone App Info in WordPress Posts: 5 Plugins
May 24Many folks make a living off of reviewing iPhone, iPad, and Android applications. It is not...
WordPress Themes
Dealers: Daily Deals Theme for WordPress
April 25Daily deal sites have been around even before websites such as Groupon became so popular. The...
Hack Prevention
How to Stop Brute Force Attacks on WordPress: 7 Plugins
April 16Keeping your WordPress site secure is an ongoing process. It is well worth taking on considering...