e-Shop Solutions
WordPress E-Commerce Toolbox: 25 Themes To Build Your Online Store
WordPress is more than a content management system for blogs. Many folks are using it to power sophisticated portals and even e-commerce stores. There are a number of powerful plugins you can adopt to turn your WordPress site into an online store. WooCommerce, WP e-Commerce, JigoShop, and Cart66 stand out for us. These 25 WordPress themes and the mentioned plugins make building your online store super easy:
WooCommerce Themes:
WooCommerce happens to be one of the most popular e-commerce plugins available for WordPress. The developers at WooThemes have done a wonderful job improving the platform over the years. These WooCommerce themes help you build your own online store fast:
Bazar Shop: a clean and attractive theme for this plugin. It has a ton of awesome features such as custom checkout pages, a wishlist feature, and a popup plugin for offers and news.
Cartsy: a stylish theme for WooCommerce. It is easy to install and mobile friendly. Comes ready to be monetized.
MayaShop: works for WooCommerce and JigoShop. It has a responsive design with 8 sliders and 12 custom widgets. It has custom post types for testimonials and FAQ.
The Retailer: helps you start your online store right away. It has a fully responsive design and is optimized for Retina-level displays.
Canvas: a highly customizable theme for this framework. You can modify almost any element. This responsive theme comes ready to be used with WooCommerce.
Pinshop: want to create a Pinterest-style e-commerce store? This WooCommerce theme has you covered. It has 10 skins, customizable shop pages, and an AJAX shopping cart.
Getshopped.org’s WP e-Commerce Themes:
Another powerful e-commerce plugin we have had a lot of success with. There are plenty of cool themes and add-ons available for this plugin. Here are 5 WP e-Commerce themes to get you started:
Kauri: a responsive theme for WP e-Commerce. It has 4 theme skins and 2 slider skins. Its social widgets are a plus.
Lookshop: a HTML5/CSS3 theme for WP e-Commerce. It is not only responsive but has a layered featured products slider. The blog layout is a plus.
Mojo: a mobile ready shopping cart theme for GetShopped.org’s plugin. It is fully customizable and widgetized. The design is quite clean.
Eggo: a sexy app for selling digital products such as apps and documents. It is social media friendly and optimized for conversion.
Storefront Elegance: another elegant e-commerce template. It has product galleries, custom product page templates, and unified search. The theme is translation ready.
Jigoshop Themes:
We have covered Jigoshop themes and plugins here in the past a number of times. You can find a number of useful extensions for this plugin online. These themes are worth exploring too:
Simplicity: a highly versatile theme compatible with popular eCommerce plugins such as WooCommerce and JigoShop.
Sommerce: has 60 custom backgrounds, a background uploader, and 10 custom headers. You can play around with its various elements to improve your results.
Mommy Blog: as the name suggests, this cute theme is developed for those of you running a mommy sites. It comes ready to be used with JigoShop.
Serenum: this two-column theme has a fixed-width and 8 different color options. The design is clean and simple.
Aventador: a flexible e-commerce theme with 7 color schemes and 13 pre-made pages. The theme is internationalized.
Cart66 Themes:
These themes are worth exploring if you happen to be interested in using Cart66 to power your e-commerce site:
Clip Cart: a versatile theme for Genesis and Thesis. It is compatible with Cart66 and WooCommerce. The design is clean and attractive.
Stored: a good looking Cart66 template with 6 color options (dark & light). You can make all kinds of sites with this. The affiliate mode is plus.
Haute: a fully responsive and Retina-display ready template. It offers CSS3 transitions and hover effects for your products. This product has an affiliate mode too.
The Restaurant: want to bring your restaurant online? This theme has you covered. It has 30+ fonts, many shortcodes, and its own custom widgets.
Other E-commerce Templates:
You don’t necessarily have to use the above plugins to build your own online store (though we recommend it). Here are a few other themes you may want to try to find the right theme for your online store:
Restored: a template for Easy Digital Downloads. Use this template to sell digital products online.
Marko: a child theme for Skematik by the folks at Storefront Themes. It is compatible with WP e-Commerce and WooCommerce.
Echo: compatible with some of the most popular shopping cart plugins around. It is BuddyPress friendly too. This is 100% responsive.
Storefront Boutique: a fancybox shopping cart theme with support for BuddyPress and Facebook. You get unified search too.
Mariah: a premium child theme for Genesis Framework by StudioPress. It works for blogs and online stores. The theme is responsive and has a flexible slider.
What’s your favorite e-commerce framework for WordPress? Have you found better themes that we have missed? We would love to know. Please share your suggestions here.