Wordpress Books
WordPress Lovers Rejoice: WordPress for Dummies II to be releases soon!
WordPress is a wonderful CMS built with a wonderful technology. Unfortunately, there are not many books and training programs that address more advanced WordPress issues such as custom fields and how to program them. For instance, I read somewhere a while ago that you can make your posts expire by using custom fields but nobody had proper explanation on it. Of course, it is not difficult to do once you figure it out or somebody tells you how to do it.
WordPress for dummies was first published a year ago and received massive amount of coverage and praise from WordPress experts and publishers alike. However, the book was a bit thin on more advanced techniques and the author has promised to cover those areas in the 2nd edition of this book. The author talks about a wide range of WordPress issues, from the very basic stuff to more advanced WordPress theme issues and even WordPress Mu. The book is not going to cover everything but it is going to cover a whole range of issues that WordPress bloggers face on a daily basis.
This excellent book was supposed to be released in October but was probably pushed back to November due to the new changes in the WordPress platform. But I personally can’t wait till this book is released. Now if Wiley publishing did something about the horrifying title of WordPress for Dummies.