Plugin Lists
6 Must See WordPress Plugins for Salons
Platforms such as WordPress make it easy to build a website for your business. If you run a spa or salon website, you should take time to add all your services and even allow your customers to book their appointment online. Here are 6 salon & spa booking plugins that let you do just that:
Pinpoint Booking System PRO: adds an appointment booking system to your website. It could work for bars, clubs, dentists, personal trainers, and spas. It is AJAX powered and gives you full control over prices, availability dates, and booking hours. It works with WooCommerce.
Salon Booking System: as the name suggests, this plugin allows your customers to reserve their place on your site. It provides you with multiple views, various booking rules, SMS notifications, and support for online payments.
Easy Appointments: not just for salons, this plugin supports multiple locations, services, and workers. Lets you create your own custom fields. It has export to CSV functionality.
Stylish Price List: allows you to display an attractive price tab for your salons. You will be able to change color, price, font, and other settings.
Booking Calendar: lets you easily set availability and price for your service. Events can be booked by hours. The extended version offers integration with PayPal. You can change start day of the week and unavailable week days.
Appointment Buddy Widget: a lightweight widget that allows you to accept bookings from your set of available time-slots. Webmasters can change the maximum number of appointments that can be booked for each time-slot.
Have you found other useful plugins for salons? Please share them here.