Wordpress Plugins
5 WordPress Plugins to Rotate Tweets, Posts, Testimonials
If you produce lots of content on a daily basis, chances are your loyal readers will not catch all your posts. In that case, rotating content on your website makes sense. Here are 5 plugins that let you rotate posts, testimonials, and tweets:
Rotating Tweets: this plugin lets you show your latest tweets on your site one at a time. You can customize whose tweets to show, # of tweets to show, and more.
Post Rotation: lets you rotate posts on your website. It is useful for sites that have lots of evergreen posts.
Flexible Quote Rotator Plus: this plugin lets you add quotations on your website. It has a shortcode and widget.
Testimonial Rotator: lets you rotate testimonials on your WordPress site. It creates a testimonial and testimonial rotator custom post type.
Ditty News Ticker: lets you add custom news tickers to your website. It has scroll, rotate, and list modes.
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