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6 Must-See Security Audit WordPress Plugins

No matter how secure you think your site is, there are always things you can do to keep hackers out for longer. Of course, you should backup your site regularly to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Performing security audits frequently could always help your cause. Here are 6 security audit plugins that help you get the job done more effectively:

How to: automate WordPresss tasks


WP Security Audit Log: helps you identify small WordPress problems before they become something bigger. It helps you monitor user activity and keep up with changes on your site.

better wp

Better WP Security: this has been one of my favorite security plugins for a long time. It obscures, protects, detects problems, and helps you recover.


Ninja Security: a premium plugin that suggests what’s wrong with your site and how you can fix it. It offers over 31 security tests to make your job easier.


Wordfence Security: improve your site’s login system. It scans core files, themes and plugins to find problematic files. It also includes a firewall. Wordfence helps you get a handle on security threats against your site.


Acunetix Secure WordPress: a free plugin that helps you secure your WordPress site and suggests corrective measures. It lets you monitor your website in real-time.

bulletproof security

BulletProof Security: protects your website against XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, and many other common hack attacks. It offers security log file automation and .htaccess security.

Taking time to harden WordPress and secure your server is essential or you could end up with hacked site. The above plugins don’t do everything for you but they do save you lots of time when you are performing a security audit for your site.

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