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11+ Must See Viral Plugins for WordPress

There are plenty of viral sites around these days. They use quizzes, polls, and all kinds of interactive content to keep their visitors engaged. Planning to build your own viral site? You may want to give these viral WordPress plugins a look:

🖖 KnownHost: super reliable Dedicated, VPS, Cloud & Shared hosting for WordPress, online communities & social networks

Snax: a font-end uploader with open lists that allows users to create and share viral content on your site. Memes, galleries, and other content formats are supported.

Viral Quiz: lets you make build quizzes similar to how BuzzFeed does it. It supports trivia and personality quizzes. Multi-page quizzes supported.

GuessOn: another poll and quiz builder plugin for WordPress. It can be used for trivia and personality quizzes. 5 types of questions are supported (e.g. memes, videos).

ViralPress: allows you to create and edit viral posts from the front-end. Open lists are supported. You can use it to share lists, images, memes, videos, polls, quizzes, and other content formats.

BuyForMe: lets your visitors ask their friends for gifts on your WooCommerce site. It is responsive and mobile-friendly.

ViralPress Pro: this plugin helps you find viral content from Facebook to get ideas how to improve your own site.

social locker

Social Locker: increases your traffic by locking your content behind a set of social buttons, helping you get more likes, shares, and tweets.

WordPress Exit Strategy Pro: redirects your external links through an exit page, on which you can place ads and social bookmarking buttons.

📌 MemberPress: advanced WordPress plugin for subscriptions & membership sites

WooCommerce Social Coupons: these plugins let you offer your customers discounts for sharing your site and products with their friends.

BuzzFeed Style Knowledge Test Plugin: as the name suggests, this plugin allows you to produce more interactive content for your site. It is responsive and customizable.

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Social share plugins: you can’t expand your reach without staying active on sites on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, and other networks. These plugins simply help you encourage your visitors to share your content with their friends.

Have you found more useful viral plugins? Please share them here.

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