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5 Country Based Pricing & Payment Plugins for WordPress

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of themes and plugins that let you bring your store online and sell your own products to people around the world. In certain cases, you may want to pursue different pricing strategies and payment methods in different countries. These 5 country-based pricing and payment plugins can help:

Currently trending WordPress plugins

WooCommerce Price Based on Country: adds multi-currency support to your WooCommerce site. The plugin detects the country of each visitor and sets the currency and price you have set.

Woocommerce Advanced Discounts: lets you offer discounts based on order total, country, products in cart, and other factors.

Tax Display by Country: allows you to display prices with or without taxes for visitors from different countries. It is compatible with Prices by Country, which allows charging different prices at different locations.

Country Based Payments: this plugin lets you choose which payment gateways are available in each country.

WooCommerce Sales By Location Report: a simple plugin that lets you monitor WooCommerce sales by location.

Have you found other must see WooCommerce pricing plugins? Please share them here.

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