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Wordpress Plugins

4 Bulk Delete Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is designed to make it easier for webmasters to manage their content. Adding new posts, moderating comments, and planning posts can’t be any easier. Deleting posts or comments is not that hard either. These 4 bulk delete plugins make it even easier to get rid of unwanted posts or comments:

Currently trending WordPress plugins

bulk delete

Bulk Delete: this is a handy tool that bulk deletes posts, pages, and users. It has plenty of options and filters for you to use to remove posts.

posts remover

Duplicate Posts Remover Bulk Move: helps you remove duplicate posts and pages from your blog. It is a time saver when you need to make changes to your duplicate content or remove it.

bulk move

Bulk Move: this plugin can be used to move posts in bulk from one category to another. It can also be used to remove posts from a category or tag.


Bulk Comments Management: helps you delete comments and disable/enable comments on all posts quickly. Another plugin that can save your admins some time when managing your site.

Which one of these plugins are you impressed with the most? Have you found better plugins for this job? Please share here.

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