Wordpress Plugins
Enlighter Syntax Highlighter for WordPress
I don’t know about you, but I find myself a more productive coder when using an IDE that offers a syntax highlighter. Enlighter happens to be a syntax highlighter that helps you code easier for WordPress. It supports various languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL. It offers visual editor integration.
Enlighter does not make you a better coder, but it does save you time with your projects. It supports theming. You can change the output style and code indentation. You can customize font, colors, and other settings. Enlighter supports code groups, so you will be able see multiple code blocks within a tab pane. You also get CDN support and integrated CSS file caching.
We found Enlighter to be quite smooth and highly customizable. It supports most languages people use these days to develop code for WordPress sites. This simply makes you a more productive coder. Enlighter is a free plugin.