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Rotate Ads on WordPress with AdRotate

Let’s face it. Most top websites rely on advertising revenue to stay afloat. Selling or hosting banner ads on sites may not be the only way to make money online, but it can act as a supplementary income for your business. Rotating ads on your website is one of the best ways to get the most out of banner ads on your site. AdRotate is a powerful plugin for WordPress that lets you manage ads like a pro on your website.

AdRotate puts you in control of what ads show up on your website and where. You can start selling ads based on clicks or for a specific period of time. Of course, to get the most money out of the ads on your site, you need to track their performance. AdRotate covers that as well. Adding new ads to this plugin could not be any easier. You have the option to define how long each banner ad will run on your website. Want to sell based on a number of clicks or impressions? Just define what you have in mind and the rest is taken care of by this plugin.

Ad grouping is a powerful feature. It lets you tie a number of your ads and track their performance more effectively. You can take advantage of blocks to add a block of small banners to your website. This plugin comes with its own widget, giving you the chance to add an unlimited number of ads to your website (if you have the place for them of course).

There are 3 ways to add ads to your website when using this plugin. You can use short-codes, widgets, or PHP code to do the job. The system works with Google AdSense ads as well as affiliate banners. It can do a lot of little things automatically to save time managing your ads. The report feature is pretty decent too.

Overall, AdRotate is a pretty decent alternative to solutions such as OpenX. It may not be as versatile but you won’t have to deal with a whole new system to take advantage of it.

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