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Premium Plug-ins

Add a Carousel to your WordPress Blog

Have your ever wanted to add a carousel to your blog. You know, having the ability to allow people to go through a bunch of your WordPress blog photos with no problem? I have a tech deal blog that was stagnent for a while due to lack of graphics. So I searched extensively for a plugin that would allow me to get the photos of the latest deals (you know laptops, PCs, and things like that) and display them at the top of my home page. That’s when I found Viva Carousels! Viva basically has a bunch of plugins that are great, but for my need, Viva Carousel was perfect:

Currently trending WordPress plugins

Not only you get the pictures that you have added to your post automatically added to this plugin, you can also set a refresh time (having these pictures move to the left every x seconds). Best of all, this version of the plugin is designed for bloggers, so these images link to your blog posts. For what I had in mind (my tech deal site), this was perfect.

Keep in mind that Viva Carousel is a premium wordpress plug-in, and it does cost something. Having said that, if you have the need it for it’s well worth it. I couldn’t be happier with mine.

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