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Themes for Businesses

Enterprise Theme: Corporate CMS Theme for WordPress

WordPress is mostly used by bloggers, affiliate marketers, and those who are looking for a simple way to bring their personal website online. In the past couple of years, more businesses are putting their trust in WordPress as the platform has become a lot more mature. One can’t ignore the improvements that the platform has gone through in the past couple of years. WordPress makes it easy for businesses to build an online presence and expand their reach. Small business WP themes such as Enterprise for WordPress have enabled small businesses and startups to go live online without having to spend a fortune.

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Enterprise for WordPress has a very modern look and feel to it. But don’t let the looks scare you. The theme is designed for anyone who’s interested in taking their business live with minimal effort. It already has a decent look and feel, so you won’t have to start from scratch when customizing your site’s design. Enterprise Theme is clean, dynamic, and very good in handling images.

Since the theme is based on Genesis framework for WordPress, you are going to have much more flexibility and an overall easier time customizing it. The framework is optimized for performance in more ways than one. So all the themes based on it will have all those benefits.

Enterprise comes with a featured section that you can use to make a good first impression on your visitors. You can add more sections about your business under this area. That could include your testimonials as well. This theme also comes with multiple templates to give you flexibility as far as what you can add to your website.

Enterprise theme may not be the fanciest theme around, but it is clean and very easy to use. You won’t have to read a 100 page tutorial to get it to work. It’s a nice starting place if you are looking for a business theme to pick up and customize to your heart’s desire. Decent for small business and startups.

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