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Premium Themes

Start An Event WordPress Site with Diarise

Whether you are a business owner looking to promote your events or an event planner, chances are you have used online websites such as Facebook to push your events. But wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy way for you to build a CMS around your events and display your events to the world. That’s what Diarise WordPress Theme is all about. It’s an innovative business theme for WordPress that makes it easy for you to promote you latest events to your visitors and give them an easy way to sign up and add your events to their calendars.

How to: automate WordPresss tasks

Diarise is quite a unique theme that allows businesses and event management companies to promote their events on their mini sites and give visitors an easy way to stay in touch with those events. The theme comes with an attractive calendar that your visitors can go through and find the dates for your events. As you can see in the above image, events that you displaying on your website have their date darkened on your calendar. So your visitors will have an easy time finding your next event. They can always use the next event button just in case they do not want to mess with your calendar. Visitors can add the events on your site to Outlook, iCal, and Google Calendar.

Diarise for WordPress is quite flexible as well. For starters, it comes with 8 color schemes to give you flexibility with your design and your site’s look and feel. You also have 9 custom widgets that you can choose from to bring more features to your website. Twitter, ads, and custom widgets are included with this theme.

The home page is completely modular. So you can pick and choose what you want to display on your home page. Let’s not forget about the built-in SEO options that give you an easier way to optimize your website for the search engine and maximize your traffic.

If you are looking to build a WordPress site around your events and get people to pick up your tickets or add your events to their calendars easily, Diarise WordPress Theme could be the right theme for you.

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