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Premium Themes

Manage Your Clients with EmployeePress for WordPress

WordPress may be the perfect platform for bloggers, but it has some real benefits for small and large businesses too. Did you know that you can use WordPress as a CRM or employee management tool? EmployeePress for WordPress is one of the themes you can take advantage of to better manage your clients, employees, and your business overall. This theme has two sides to it. On the one hand, you can take advantage of this to manage your relationship with your clients. On the other hand, this theme can serve as a collaboration platform between you and your employees in your organization.

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The client dashboard is pretty straight forward. It keeps track of everything related to your clients, including their tasks, invoices, files, and projects. The contact information section should make it easy for you and your client to connect and work towards getting your job done.

The employee side feels like a collaboration dashboard. You can take advantage of this to send messages to your employees and share ideas throughout your organization. Tasks can be tracked as well, making it easier for your organization to stay on the right track with all your projects.

I was quite impressed with this theme’s design and performance. You do not need to be a super technical business person to get started with this theme. It is quite versatile and looks pretty clean too. It helps you keep track of your employees and identify areas in which your organization can be improved upon. It does have 10+ color schemes, which is nice. Overall, Employee Press is a decent employee and client management solution for businesses. The fact that it is affordable does not hurt its cause.

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