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Premium Themes

Start a Q&A WordPress site with Instant Q&A Theme

Yahoo! Answers and LinkedIn Q&As are great places to find what people are asking about and get answers to your own questions. Those sites cover almost everything under the sun, but you can always create your very own niche answers website with WordPress. Think about it. If your blog’s focus is on a narrow market, adding a Q&A section to your website can help your visitors share their questions and get answers that they wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. Thanks to Instant Q&A Theme, you can turn your WordPress website into a Q&A website and start gathering those questions without a major up-front investment.

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Instant Q&A is a turnkey questions and answers solution that offers 3 color schemes and gives your visitors the chance to post their questions and search through existing ones on your website. This theme is ad ready too, giving you the opportunity to start monetizing your website from the get go. It’s not one of those cheap clone themes and does have a lot of power under its hood.

Instant Q&A has a point system that rewards your members for answering questions on your website. A more sophisticated Karma system would be nice, but that wouldn’t be hard to implement if you know your way around PHP. Changing your logo and adding Google Analytics can be done in the back-end.

Your visitors get their own member pages, which makes tracking their questions and answers more convenient. What’s nice about this theme is that it makes your visitors feel like they are part of a real community.

To sum things up, Instant Q&A is a brilliant theme that turns your WordPress website into a question/answer portal quickly. It’s pretty clean and ready to go out of the box. The karma system could be improved a bit though. Considering that this is almost a one-of-a-kind theme, we can forgive its small short-comings.

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